      进口品牌 -- HAA5
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Any time an alarm is present, the lower right hand corner of the screen will have a blinking “Alarm”. Push the
Alarm display key to view the current alarm. All alarms are displayed with a reference number and a complete
description. If the Reset key is pressed, one alarm will be removed from the list of alarms. If there are more
than 18 alarms, only the last 18 are displayed and the Reset must be used to see the rest. The presence of
any alarm will prevent the operator from starting a program.
The Alarms Display can be selected at any time by pressing the Alarm Mesgs button. When there are no
alarms, the display will show No Alarm. If there are any alarms, they will be listed with the most recent alarm
at the bottom of the list. The Cursor and Page Up and Page Down buttons can be used to move through a
large number of alarms. Cursor right and left buttons can be used to turn on and off the Alarm history display.
Note that tool changer alarms can be easily corrected by performing Umbrella ATCS Recovery. First, correct
any mechanical problem, press Reset until the alarms are clear, select Zero Ret mode, and select Auto All
Axes. Some messages are displayed while editing to tell the operator what is wrong, but these are not alarms.
The following alarm list shows the alarm numbers, the text displayed along with the alarm, and a detailed
description of the alarm, what can cause it, when it can happen, and how to correct it. Where alarm numbers
have different meanings between lathes and mills, it will be indicated with a (L) or a (M) directly after the
alarm number or wording to which the text pertains. The (L) and (M) will not appear in the alarm numbers on
the machine display.
101 COMM. FAILURE WITH MOCON/MOCON MEMORY FAULT - During a self-test of communications
between the MOCON and main processor the main processor does not respond, and one of them is possibly
bad. Check cable connections and boards. Re-seat or replace ADDRESS and DATA bus cables. This alarm
could also be caused by a memory fault which was detected on the MOCON. Check MOCON/PROCESSOR
Status Lights. Verify correct power to MOCON.
102 SERVOS OFF - Indicates that the servo motors are off, the tool changer is disabled, the coolant pump is
off, and the spindle motor is stopped. Caused by Emergency Stop, motor fault, or power failure. Will also appear
upon start up of machine as an informative alarm. Press RESET to power servos on.
103 X SERVO ERROR TOO LARGE - Load on the X-axis Servomotor has exceeded parameter 9 X-axis Max
Error. The servos will be turned off and you must push RESET to clear the alarm and turn on the servos. Dull
cutting tools or an incorrect program is exceeding the Max Load for this axis. Lathe: Servo brake on X axis
motor may not be disengaging. 24VDC is needed to release brake. Power for servo brake is supplied from
Trans/Brake pcb P5/P9, or on I/O pcb P78/P79 when servos are powered on. Verify power to hydraulic card.
104 Y SERVO ERROR TOO LARGE - The load on the Live Tool Servomotor has exceeded parameter 23
Y-axis Max Error. The servos will be turned off and you must push RESET to clear the alarm and turn on the
servos. Dull cutting tools or an incorrect program is exceeding the Max Load for this axis. Horizontal mill:
Servo brake may not be disengaging. 24VDC is needed to release brake. Power for servo brake is supplied
from Trans/Brake PCB P5/P9, or on I/O PCB P78/P79 when servos are powered on. Verify power to AMP +/-
12 325VDC Buss.
105 Z SERVO ERROR TOO LARGE - The load on the Z-axis Servomotor has exceeded parameter 37 Z-axis
Max Error. The servos will be turned off and you must push RESET to clear the alarm and turn on the servos.
Dull cutting tools or an incorrect program is exceeding the Max Load for this axis. Vertical mill: Servo brake
may not be disengaging. 24VDC is needed to release brake. Power for servo brake is supplied from Trans/
Brake pcb P5/P9, or on I/O pcb P78/P79 when servos are powered on. Verify power to AMP +/- 12 325VDC
106 A SERVO ERROR TOO LARGE - Load on the A-axis Servomotor has exceeded parameter 51 Z-axis
Max Error. The servos will be turned off and you must push RESET to clear the alarm and turn on the servos.
This is the Turret Index Servo; this alarm indicates that there is a problem with the Turret. The Turret may
have hit something while trying to index, or a mechanical problem that prevents normal movement may have
occurred. Verify power to AMP +/- 12 325VDC Buss

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地址:烟台市芝罘区芝水工业园8号  联系人:卢先生  手机:13780905924